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Holy Cats!

My cat, Chiti, insisted I post this for your listening pleasure. She gives it five stars.

Entitled Duetto Buffo di due Gatti it is often attributed to Italian composer Rossini, but may not actually be his work. At any rate these two young vocalists from Les Petits Chanteurs a la Croix de Bois do it up to purr-fection. Priceless!

Wait I think Kitten of Runt Farm fame is warming up in the wings! I’d know that Yeeeooow anywhere.

Water Works – More from MIT

Amanda Lorenzo shows off the MIT designed Digital Water Pavillion from the Zaragosa, Spain World Expo.

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Banking On Cheese

Amanda Lorenzo insists that while it’s true that Cletus broke into the famous Credito Emiliano bank’s cheese vault, no harm was intended.

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