As you know my friend Cletus is into tools, inventions, and science. He’s a fair hand with an electron microscope and a quick study. Today he’s been telling me a bit about how the brain works. And I thought you might like to hear it too — ’cause this is cool stuff.
According to his latest research key components of the brain are called microtubules. Seems these things are all kinda twisted up together and they actually talk to one another, only using chemicals as their words. And get this — when a person gets anesthesia, say before an operation, the little microtubules actually unwind from one another. See I told you this was cool.
So just remember being awake to see, hear, taste, touch and smell the world around you is based on the amazing world within you. You are a walking around miracle.
If you would like to know more about microtubules and see pictures and drawings of how they look check out this site:
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