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Runt Farm Wins Gold Medal


Amanda in Traverse City, Michigan

Hello darlings,

Here we are in lovely Traverse City, Michigan for the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards ceremony. Thrills, chills, and such fun for a kid from Runt Farm. This place is famous for its cherries. I promised Tooth I’d bring back several varieties for her to use in cooking up some lovely cherry anythings. Because that’s what I like, cherries in just about anything. Here you can get Cherry Salsa, Cherry Coffee, Cherry Fudge, 5 different types of dried cherries (including one that originally came from Hungary and now only grows in one US state – you guessed it – Michigan!), and the best ol’ cherry pie in the mid-west. I know, because I had some just last night at the Cherry Stop.

This afternoon we’ll troop over to the opera house to recieve the . . . ta da . . . Gold Medal for Runt Farm: Under New Management. (Beatrice and Blossom brought along special trooping clothes for the occasion.) Then we’ll spend the next few days tasting more cherry things. Yum!

More pictures soon – I promise!

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